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   日期:2018-12-18     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:3    
核心提示:招标公告Retenderfor Bids中国电建东南非区域总部肯尼亚办公生活基地工程 设计招标公告 Retender for Design of the Office and


Retender for Bids


中国电建东南非区域总部肯尼亚办公生活基地工程 设计招标公告


Retender for Design of the Office and Living base Construction Project of

 POWERCHINA East & Southern Africa Headquarters (Phase I)


IFB No.:  D1101080711000727001001


1.   招标条件

1. Bidding conditions 

本项目中国电建东南非区域总部办公生活基地工程 已由中国电力建设集团 批准建设,由于第一次公开招标在规定时间内收到有效的投标文件不足3家,现重新招标。

The Office and Living base Construction Project of POWERCHINA East & Southern Africa Headquarters (Phase I) has been approved by Power Construction Corporation of China for construction. The Tenderee is PowerChina International Group Limited or its designated organization or agency which is registered and established in Kenya. The construction fund is self-raised by the Tenderee itself and its ratio of contribution is 100%. The Tenderee is also PowerChina International Group Limited. Now, the project is well prepared and sufficient for bidding, and invitations are made for public bidding for the design of the project. Since the number of valid bids for the first tender was less than three, the tender shall retender.



2. Project overview and bidding scope

2.1 项目建设项目分两期建设。一期建设目标是建设满足256人办公、 224人住宿以及园区配套的附属设施、生活、健身及娱乐设施等。

2.2 Project construction scale: the project covers an area of 42,411 and is proposed to be constructed in two phases. The objective of phase I is to build office buildings for 256 staff, living areas for 224 staff and supporting facilities, as well as living, fitness and amusement facilities. 

2.3 项目建设工期:约540天。

2.3 Project construction period: about 540 days. 

2.4 本次招标项目服务期限:自开始设计通知中载明的开始设计日期起至项目施工合同约定的缺陷责任期结束。计划开始日期为设计通知发出日。                 

2.4 Service period for the project of this bidding: from the design commencement date specified in the Notice to Commence to the end of the defects liability period specified in the construction contract. The planned commencement date is the date when the Notice to Commence is issued. 

2.5 招标范围:基地整体方案 设计的完善、一期工程的扩大初步 设计 、一期工程的施工详图设计。

2.5 Bidding scope: improvement of the overall conceptual design of the base, expanded preliminary (basic) design (including design estimates, interior decoration design and furniture layout) and construction detail design of phase I works. 

2.6 本招标项目标段/标包划分:一个标段。  

2.6 Division of lots/packages of the project: one lot.                                               

2.7 其他补充 :无。

2.7 Additional information (if any): N/A. 



3. Requirements on bidder qualifications

3.1本次招标要求投标人须具备中华人民共和国建筑行业建筑工程设计甲级资质或者工程设计综合甲级资质或为在肯尼亚合法注册的建筑设计咨询公司,注册资本金为人民币400万元 以上或50万美元 以上,近3年经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的财务报表无保留意见,近5年完成2万平米及以上办公楼 的类似设计业绩不少于3项,境内投标人和境外投标人近3年无与设计合同相关的法律诉讼或仲裁事件发生,并在人员、设备、资金等方面具有本招标项目相应的设计能力。

3.1 The bidders shall have Class A Qualification for Building Engineering Design or Engineering Design Integrated Qualification Class A in the building industry of the People’s Republic of China or shall be a building design consulting company legally registered in Kenya, with registered capital over RMB 4 million (inclusive) or over USD 500,000 (inclusive). There shall be clean opinion on their financial statements audited by an accounting firm or an audit agency in recent three years. They shall have at least three design achievements in recent five years for similar projects consisting of at least 20,000m2 office buildings (or complex buildings). Chinese and overseas bidders shall not be subjected to any legal action or arbitration regarding design contracts in recent three years and shall have design capacity suitable for the project in terms of personnel, equipment and capital. 


3.2 Joint venture bid is acceptable and shall meet the following requirements: only bidders outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China are allowed to participate in the bidding as a joint venture. The joint venture formed by overseas bidders shall meet the following requirements: the enterprise where the registered architect is employed shall be the responsible party for the joint venture and the bid documents shall be accompanied by a legally binding joint venture agreement signed by all partners of the joint venture.  

3.3 其他要求:本次招标对未中标人投标文件中的技术成果给予经济补偿。经济补偿按如下标准支付:评标结果第二名补偿5万美元,第三名补偿3万美元,第四名补偿2万美元

3.3 Other requirements: in this bidding, economic compensation shall be provided to some unsuccessful bidders for their technical achievements in their bids. The economic compensation standard is as follows: the bidder ranking second in the bid evaluation shall be given a compensation of USD 50,000, the bidder ranking third shall be given a compensation of USD 30,000 and the bidder ranking fourth shall be given a compensation of USD 20,000.   



4. Acquisition of the Bidding documents 

4.1凡有意参加投标者,可在“中国电建 系统” 进行投标人注册。

4.1 All the interested tenderersplease sign up on the Public Resource Trading System( /en). Remark:this tendering no need CA digital certificate.

4.2完成投标人注册后,请于201812209:00201812301700时止 项目联系人:李杨





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